
class sasquatchbackpack.sources.USGSConfig(duration, radius, coords, magnitude_bounds, schema_file='src/sasquatchbackpack/schemas/usgs.avsc', cron_schema='/opt/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/sasquatchbackpack/schemas/usgs.avsc')

Bases: object

Class containing relevant configuration information for the USGSSource.

  • duration (datetime.timedelta) – How far back from the present should be searched

  • radius (int) – Radius of search from central coordinates in km

  • coords (tuple[float,float]) – Latitude and longitude of the central coordnates (latitude, longitude)

  • magnitude_bounds (tuple[int, int]) – Upper and lower bounds for magnitude search (lower, upper)

  • schema_file (str, optional) – Directory path to the relevant source schema (src/sasquatchbackpack/schemas/schema_name_here.avsc), optional, defaults to src/sasquatchbackpack/schemas/usgs.avsc

  • cron_schema (str, optional) – Directory path to the relevant source schema from a cronjob.

Attributes Summary



Attributes Documentation

cron_schema: str = '/opt/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/sasquatchbackpack/schemas/usgs.avsc'
schema_file: str = 'src/sasquatchbackpack/schemas/usgs.avsc'